Sunday, August 26, 2007

Crime and Punishment

You don’t seem to have expected this!

What ? You ? What ?
You are right ; I certainly did not expect this .
You are guilty.

Ah ! Yes. I confess I am the murderer.

No, no; you lie , you can’t be.

How could I avoid doing so? Besides, I did not delude myself as to the probable consequences of the incident. Consequently, if no new charges come up, I am still guilty.

Well and good, but why is it that delirium always assumes the same character
with you?

Certainly! Uncertainty, I presume ?

Don’t drive me to extremes!

I object !

I tell you, I object!

I can not .

I will not.

Might it not take some other form ?

Why wish to know so much , since you have up to the present left me in perfect peace with disorder ?

Hah! Hah! How very irregular!

Forgive my strange manner. My disposition , I confess is a very disagreeable one.
But we shall meet again.
More often.

Are you likely to pardon ?

I may have to ask you a few more questions. Hence we are certain to meet again !.

So, it will be.

So, it is !

Till we meet again.
You are coming to the dinner party , are you not ?

To the funeral you mean ? Ah! Yes.

Well, thanks for coming :-)

thanks for the book ...
Bye n take care.