Happy Feet
Socks have evolved over the centuries from the earliest models which were made from animal skins gathered up and tied around the ankles.In the 8th century BC, the ancient Greeks wore socks from matted animal hair for warmth. Romans also wrapped their feet with leather or woven fabrics. By the 5th Century AD, socks called ‘puttees’ were worn by holy people in Europe to symbolise purity. By AD 1000, socks became a symbol of 'wealth' among the nobility.
Sock puppets can be made from socks
As sock puppets appear friendly, non-threatening, and clearly non-human, therapists often have their child patients use sock puppets to help them talk more freely about things. For the same reasons, and because oneself and one's sock puppet often feel like two different people, one can speak through a sock puppet to express thoughts or facets of one's personality that one would not feel free to admit in person or fears would harm one's reputation were they actually said in one's own person.
Interesting. No, wait.
Enlightening. No, no.
Very enlightening. Hm..
Spiritual. Yes. Spiritual!
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